Schedule Your 2025 Medicare Advantage Plan Review With:

Kristie Roeder
+1 (315) 565-4100

Appointment Details:

There will be several changes to the Medicare program including prescription drugs. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has implemented these changes that will lead to modifications to Medicare plans for 2025. Therefore, it's very important that we review your Medicare plan for 2025 to ensure you're enrolled in a plan that meets your healthcare needs.

Please select your appointment date/time (these will be 1 HOUR appointments).

note: ***Friday, Saturday & Sundays are phone appointments ONLY***
*** Monday - Thursdays are in person at Denny's ONLY***

I will do all the homework for you before we meet. If you haven't done so, please send your updated doctor & medication lists BEFORE we meet via email or regular mail. If you provided this information already thank you.

Looking forward to chatting with you,
Kristie Roeder ;o)

60 minutes

Your Information:

Select Your Day and Time: